minsk dribble meetup

First Minsk Dribbble Meet Up

minsk dribbble meetup
We are happy to announce — our agency became organizer of the first Dribbble Meet Up in Minsk.
We have tried to make Event to be more practical and addressed to the current actual topics of UX / UI design. Below you can check the speakers and topics of their presentations.
Please Register for the Meet Up here. Waiting for you on the first Dribbble Meet Up in Minsk, September 30 19/00 at "Event Space".


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Let's talk

Is there a challenge your organization or company needs help solving? We’d love to discuss it.

Andrew Terekhin
Managing Director, Partner

Andrew Terehin

  • $8000 - $15000
  • $15000 - $30000
  • $30000 - $50000
  • More than $50000
  • Not decided yet

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